Sunday, February 1, 2009

Artist Statement

This week while you're shooting your ego portraits, you will write a first draft of an artist statement about your photography and your interests as a photographer. The artist statement is an important document for any artist. In order to help you put together your statement, you will follow the assignment sheet below. But first, I would like you to check out the statements written by our Photo 3 students, (Carolyn, Kyria, Krisy, Passion, and Amanda) that focus on their concentrations.

PART 1: For a 20 point homework grade, I would like you to choose a Photo 3 student and analyze their concentration works, and read their artist statements here. Then, in the corresponding discussion page, write a response to their work that addresses each of the questions on the Flickr discussion page. NO MORE THAN 5 STUDENTS CAN CRITIQUE ANY ONE PHOTO 3 PORTFOLIO CONCENTRATION. Decide and post by Fri. Feb 6th.

PART 2: Write a rough draft of your artist statement following the directions stated in the sheet below. Your rough draft of your artist statement will be due to me typed and double-spaced in size 12 Times font on Monbday Feb. 9th You are encouraged to use class time this week to write your statement!

Artist Statement Assignment

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