Thursday, February 26, 2009


Hey everyone, I just wanted to post this really quick:

I'm super-proud of each of you who decided to submit work for the Senior Show this year. Each of you have made fantastic works, and as I went through each of your submissions, I realized how truly unique, and authentic all of your work really is this year. You make me proud!

Best of luck!

Below is a slideshow I made of each of the final entries, enjoy!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

2009 Howard County Senior/Junior Show

It's time to put your portfolio to use! You've uploaded your works, you've organized, titled, and described them. You wrote an artist statement. Now it's time to apply for an art show. The Annual Howard County Portfolio Development and Senior/Junior show is the biggest county show of the year, showing artwork from students all over the county. This year's exhibition will be juried, meaning that a panel of artists will choose the works to be included. To be included in the show is a huge honor for you as an artist, and for the school!

All Photo 2 students who apply for the senior/junior show will receive 3 extra points on their overall 3rd Quarter grade.
Photo 2 students who are selected for the show will receive 5 extra points on their overall 3rd quarter grade.

The online application deadline is: Thursday, Feb. 26th.
All work must be saved and formatted to Mr. La Londe's thumbdrive by the end of school: Feb. 26th. (Half-Day)

Here's what you need to do to apply:
1) Click on the Senior/Junior Show application link to the right.
2) Fill out all information on the online form. (Note, some of you may need to modify your artist statement for the show guidelines.)
3) Print a copy of your completed online application to give to Mr. La Londe.
4) Create a new folder in Mr. La Londe's thumbdrive. Inside this folder, save your four works you are submitting for the show.
Each file work should be formatted as a jpeg, and have a resolution of 72 DPI, 5 X 7, or approximately 360 X 504 pixels. Each file should be named in the following format: lastnameRHS# (example: LaLondeRHS01, LaLondeRHS02, etc.)
5) Celebrate your 3 point reward!

See Mr. La Londe if you have questions!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Ego|Alter-Ego Portraits

Below is the evaluation sheet for your final Ego and Alter Ego prints. Make sure to combine the two together in photoshop, (see Carolyn's example in the previous blog post) and upload them to the Flickr pool before class on Monday, March 2nd.

Ego|Alter Ego Print Eval. 2008-09

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Artist Statement

This week while you're shooting your ego portraits, you will write a first draft of an artist statement about your photography and your interests as a photographer. The artist statement is an important document for any artist. In order to help you put together your statement, you will follow the assignment sheet below. But first, I would like you to check out the statements written by our Photo 3 students, (Carolyn, Kyria, Krisy, Passion, and Amanda) that focus on their concentrations.

PART 1: For a 20 point homework grade, I would like you to choose a Photo 3 student and analyze their concentration works, and read their artist statements here. Then, in the corresponding discussion page, write a response to their work that addresses each of the questions on the Flickr discussion page. NO MORE THAN 5 STUDENTS CAN CRITIQUE ANY ONE PHOTO 3 PORTFOLIO CONCENTRATION. Decide and post by Fri. Feb 6th.

PART 2: Write a rough draft of your artist statement following the directions stated in the sheet below. Your rough draft of your artist statement will be due to me typed and double-spaced in size 12 Times font on Monbday Feb. 9th You are encouraged to use class time this week to write your statement!

Artist Statement Assignment