Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shooting Assignment: Ego

Your next shooting assignment will focus upon one person as your subject. This person might be yourself, a close friend, or a family member. Choose someone you feel comfortable working with, and who feels comfortable being photographed. Try to work with someone outside of photo class.

Problem: Create a double portrait that presents two distinct sides/personalities of that person. One portrait will represent his/her ego, while the other portrait will represent an alter ego.

Part 1: The Ego
An ego can be defined as a person's sense of self-esteem or self importance. It should be candid, natural, and honest.

Shoot a roll of black and white film and a set of 24 digital exposures that captures the ego of this person as defined above. Your "ego" portrait must demonstrate the following:

-a composition that emphasizes the head for at least 50% of the composition.
-a composition that emphasizes a gesture that expresses this person's ego.
-a completely blank background (either white or black, your choice)
-effective lighting techniques (daylight, incandescent, diffused, direct, etc.) the intensity and type of lighting used in the portrait should be purposeful, it should help to further express this person's ego.
-appropriate depth of field and camera focus.

Tips for digital: Use your digital camera to help achieve correct lighting first. Remember to set your digital camera's white balance correctly. Remember to shoot at a high resolution.
Use a tripod! Use a vertical composition when framing the portrait.

Tips for black and white: Shoot film after achieving the right light quality.
Know your aperture! Compare a shallow to a deep depth of field. Use a tripod! Light meter for shadows, not for highlights! Bracket your exposures.

See the slideshow below for shooting ideas and considerations!

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