Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Homework #5: Contradict & Juxtapose

For our new shooting assignment we will be focusing on an idea very common in photography, contradiction and juxtaposition.

Contradiction (noun)-a combination of statements, ideas, or features of a situation that are opposed to one another.

Juxtaposition (noun)-to place or deal with close together for contrasting effect.

This assignment will be broken into two parts:

1) Sketchbook analysis-Select two examples from the slideshow below to print and glue into your sketchbook. Label each example with the artist's name and title. Then respond to the following questions for each work:

-What are the two elements that are visually being juxtaposed to create this visual contradiction?
-What emotion or idea do you feel the artist is trying to convey through this unexpected contrast? (Defend your response by citing specific evidence you see in the work!)

2) Sketchbook Brainstorming

In the style of a visual journal in your sketchbook, Find or create examples that are opposite or contradict one another. Create a two page layout in homage to your opposing forces!!! Please remember that the two page design and layout should utilize the same elements and principles that you have come to know well in making photographs visually dynamic! Any media is fair game...remember that if you are using images that you should cut/crop them to insure that you are making them your own (no full magazine images that are just glued in!). See examples below!

When creating your "homage," consider the following:
-What ironies or contradictions do you find in the news or media?
-What contradicitions do you see or find in friends or people around you?
-Think opposing forces! What opposites could be placed next to each other that would be ironic or surprising?

Chris Rhodes

Katie Lozupone

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