Monday, May 25, 2009

Extending & Refining your Independent Series

I was really pleased and impressed with the independent series presentations last week, it seems like each of you are really excited about the direction of your work, and have ideas for new ones. Here's our plan for the rest of the school year:

Friday, June 12th: Final critique on two new independent works for your series. You will share these new works along with the ones you presented last week. These will be the last works for the year, and will count as a 100 point classwork grade.

Friday, June 5th: Independent in-progress critiques with me, (15 pt. critique grade). All contact sheets should be presented, and 2 final works should be at least 50% complete.

Thursday, May 28th: Proposal presentations to class. You may decide to complete the below assignment in your sketchbook, or create a presentation to be shared on the computer. This will count as a 30 point homework grade.

Independent Series Refinement)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Final Exam presentations

Alright everyone, your last day of photo class is almost here! All of you have grown and developed a huge amount as photographers this year, and I am looking forward to seeing everyone's independent series.

Below you will find the list of presenters, along with your times. Next to each time, you will see two more names. The following names will be students who will need to critique that presenter, offering a comment of praise, a question, and a suggestion to help improve the work. If you look at the students work before the presentation, It will give you more time to think about what you'd like to say. Otherwise, you will need to respond on the spot.

At the end of the period you will need to make sure you've completed and submitted the following:

1) Reflective comments on your independent series work on Flickr. (see "verbal presentation" questions on handout or on the discussion page on Flickr)
2) Written evaluation on all parts of your independent series, (you will hand this to me before you present)
3) Cleaned out portfolio, binders, and sketchbooks from classroom.
4) Donated unwanted photo paper.

Presentation Schedule:
Each presenter is expected to present for about 6-7 minutes, use your reflection as a way to prepare your presentation!

1) Leslie B. (John & Lauren)
2) Megan C. (Gunter & Bianca)
3) John K. (Chris & Marian)
4) Tracy L. (Kate Y. & Michaela)
5) Jennifer L. (Jemini & Celene)
6) Katie L. (Tracy & Megan)
7) Bianca M. (Raissa & Amina)
8) Celene M. (Katie L. & Leslie)
9) Amina M. (Lauren & Marian)
10) Gunter O. (Jemini & Megan)
11) Jemini P. (Kate Y. & Jennifer)
12) Chris R. (Raissa & Bianca)
13) Kate Y. (Tracy & Katie L.)

If time, we'll have juniors present in the following order:

14) Marian
15) Lauren
16) Michaela
17) Raissa