Monday, March 30, 2009

Guest Presenter: Gabriel DeLoach

Photos by Steve Winter and Gabe DeLoach

Gabriel DeLoach is an artist, photographer, film-maker, and traveler extraordinaire who has devoted both his artistic and professional practice to documenting the world he experiences, in both rural America to the wild jungles of Brazil. DeLoach will present his work as both an independent photographer and film-maker, as well as an assistant to Steve Winter, a renowned photographer for National Geographic magazine, in class this Thursday. DeLoach currently lives in Charlottesville, Virginia, but has recently traveled to Brazil and India to photograph wild cats, namely jaguars and tigers in an effort to help the organization Panthera protect and research these cats in the wild. Experts predict that there may only be 4,000 wild cats left in existence, making DeLoach's work critical for their survival.

Here are a couple of links to help you get a sense of his work. Take a look at his work, read about the stories on the blog, and come to class Thursday with questions!

Gabriel DeLoach's website
Steve Winter's blog

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Cliché-Verre is a unique photograph that is made by using a printmaking process of "etching" into the surface of a dried emulsion upon a transparent material like glass or mylar. Using a variety of "printing-plates," normal black and white photographs can be transformed into fascinating abstract, textural shapes and patterns.

This week and next, while you are busily shooting your documentary film, we will be experimenting with cliché-verre prints in class. Bring your old photo binders, these prints can be made with old negatives. No new shooting is necessary! Check out the slideshow below for inspiring new ideas!

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Photographic Essay

photo by Lewis Hines
Photo Essay Presentations!

If presenting a powerpoint, save powerpoint to a thumbdrive to share during presentation. Use low resolution imagery only in presentation. Design the presentation well, elegantly combine image and text. Include your statement of purpose in the presentation!

If presenting the work as an art exhibit, post your final layouts/works to the Advanced Photo group pool. I will download them to my computer so that you can share them with the class. Be prepared! Have your statement of purpose typed and ready to turn in after your presentation!

Presentation order:

Thursday, April 16th: Marian, Jemini, Megan, Kate Y., Bianca, Lauren, Celene, Katie L.

Friday, April 17th: Jennifer, John, Tracy, Amina, Gunter, Leslie, Chris, Raissa, Michaela.

If you are not prepared to present, you will be penalized a letter grade for lateness. Make arrangements with other students if you'd like to switch days, and inform Mr. La Londe by the end of class today!

Below, you will also find links to several websites that show professional photo essays by photojournalists that work around the world:

The TIMES photographic essay website
Lauren Greenfield
Bruce Davidson
Jan Sochor
Peter Menzel
James Nachtwey
Joachim Ladefoged

Below, you will find a slideshow of documentary styled photographs by both photojournalists and artists. Look at the slideshow to get ideas about how a photo essay can be presented visually in an interesting way!

Here's the final photo essay print and presentation evaluation your grade will be based upon:

Photo Essay Present Criteria Photo Essay Present Criteria elalonde